How Many Leaves Are On a Tree?

A while ago, I was curious as to how many leaves a typical tree has (a real tree, not the homonymous informatics structure).

Certainly the tree species, leaf size, and time of year all play a role. Finding out roughly how many leaves a tree can have might be a good starting point for this simplification.

How Many Leaves Are On a Tree?

Approximately How Many Leaves Does a Fully-Developed Tree Have?

A tree’s leaves are one of its most prominent features, and all fully grown trees have the same total number of leaves.

In a good summer, a maple tree (genus Acer) with a 3-foot (1-meter) diameter trunk will have approximately 100,000 leaves (that means no drought conditions or defoliation of trees from creatures like gypsy moths).

An American elm (Ulmus americana) can produce more than five million leaves in a single season, while an oak (genus Quercus) would produce roughly 700,000.

How Do I Measure My Oak Tree To Know How Many Leaves Are On It?

You’ll need to take an exact measurement of your oak tree if you want to know how many leaves you could have to rake up in a certain time period.

For this, a flexible measuring tape is preferable to a rigid one, as it will be easier to wrap around the oak tree.

You’ll have plenty of area to measure your tree with LAND’s Open Reel Fiberglass Tape Measure, a good soft measuring tape alternative.

Then, using the measuring tape, encircle the tree’s base where the trunk is thickest. You shouldn’t take your measurements down by the ground, but rather at a point that’s convenient for you, like your chest.

Wrapping a flexible measuring tape around an oak tree will give you an estimate of how many leaves it has.

Subtract 25 feet from the total feet and add 30,000 to get the answer. Calculating the total number of leaves in this way will provide a ballpark figure.

To illustrate, if the circumference of your oak tree is about 26 feet, then it’s possible that it has about 31,200 leaves.


The idea of planting trees in Trentino prompted the inquiry, but the answer could affect water management.

Without leaves, there is no evaporation, and with more leaves, there is a greater chance of evaporation.

Although this is not guaranteed ( for which hydrologists coined the infamous potential evapotranspiration concept). To learn more, I looked it up online.