How To Unsync Facebook And Instagram

You can gain a lot by connecting your Instagram and Facebook profiles. Sharing your Instagram images on Facebook is a breeze. In addition, it facilitates the discovery of your Instagram profile by your Facebook friends and the identification of your Facebook friends who have an Instagram account.

There are a few easy actions to take on Facebook and Instagram to maintain separation between the two platforms. Here you will find out how to unsync facebook and instagram.

How To Unsync Facebook And Instagram

How  to Unsync Your Facebook and Instagram Accounts

Numerous users have had their accounts compromised, resulting in the release of hundreds of photos on Instagram or the deletion of friends on Facebook. Those are merely some illustrations of the breadth of possibility.

Step 1: To access your profile, click the thumbnail of your image that appears at the bottom of the screen.

Step 2: Click the menu button (three vertical dots) in the upper right corner of your profile.

Step 3: Choose the Preferences menu item.

Step 4: To access the Accounts hub, select the blue text.

Step 5: Connected accounts and profiles are displayed in the Accounts hub, just above the Manage Connected Experiences option.

Step 6: Click on the user profiles.

Step 7: Pick the appropriate Facebook account. A red button labeled “Remove from Accounts Center” will appear.

Step 8: To disconnect your Instagram from your Facebook account, go to Accounts Center and then tap Remove.

Once you disconnect your Instagram and Facebook accounts, your new Instagram posts will no longer be automatically shared to Facebook. Furthermore, when your Facebook friends use Instagram, they will not be prompted to follow you.

Limit Shared Content Instead of Unlinking Facebook and Instagram

Restriction of shared material rather than link removal Twitter, Pinterest, and Tumblr Facebook also provides a third choice between the two, which is to not link at all.

You have the freedom to pick and select which features of the two apps should communicate with one another. You may have the best of both worlds this way! Here’s how to update your settings:

Step 1: Launch Instagram on your iOS or Android device.

Step 2: Select your profile picture, then the hamburger menu (three lines) at the top of the screen.

Step 3: Select “Accounts” from the Settings menu.

Step 4: Select the options that work best for you under “Manage Connected experiences”: Whether or not your Instagram posts and stories are automatically posted to Facebook is controlled by the “Story and post sharing” setting.

Step 5: Select “Logging in with accounts” to decide if you want to use the same credentials on both sites.

How to Remove Instagram Posts From Facebook

There are two options available to you if you wish to remove your existing Instagram posts from your Facebook profile. The first is to remove all of your Instagram photographs from your Facebook album. If you have a lot of photographs, this could take a while.

Step 1: Choose the ellipsis (…) from your user interface.

Step 2: Select the Activity Log option.

Step 3: In the section labeled “Your Posts,” click “Manage Your Posts.”

Step 4: Select Categories from the Filters menu.

Step 5: Choose Posts from other applications under Categories.

All of the app-based sharing you’ve done will be displayed. Select all of the Instagram photos and videos and then select the Trash button. After 30 days, Facebook will automatically erase all of the pictures.

Should You Unsync Your Facebook and Instagram Accounts?

To sync or not to sync your Facebook and Instagram accounts is a question without a right or wrong solution. Choosing between the two social media platforms comes down to personal preference and objectives.

Follow the aforementioned procedures to disconnect your Facebook and Instagram accounts. Repeat these procedures if you ever decide you wish to re-establish the connection.


In 2012, Instagram was purchased by Meta (then known as Facebook). A “From Facebook” notification has been flashing on the Instagram loading page as of late. Before that change, Facebook users had the option of integrating their Instagram accounts with their profiles.

Connecting your accounts, however, facilitates simultaneous posting and a more streamlined social media experience overall. Connecting your Instagram account with Facebook may have certain advantages, but it also gives Facebook additional access to your data and browsing history.

Perhaps this is why some Instagram users choose to disconnect their accounts from Facebook. Losing access to one of your social media accounts due to a hack is another possibility.  Hope now you know how to unsync facebook and instagram.