Rice Purity Test is used by some teenagers or newcomers in college who take up this test to know a bit about the kind of people they are surrounded by in their environment. Further, it helps one to be social with new people.
Moreover, Rice Purity Test Site is considered to be one of the best ways to build up a cordial and healthy relationship with people.
Rice Purity Test Questions Defined in Part 1
Therefore, this article deals with the first part of the Rice Purity Test. Now, at this stage, the level of questions becomes even more suspicious and exciting than before. Also, the users enjoy Rice Purity Test while answering these kinds of questions.
So, here is a list of the Rice Purity Test Questions.
Question 1. Danced Without Leaving Room for Jesus?
Now, this phrase is a bit confusing. Isn’t it? Usually, a layperson would think this phrase means leaving a room for Jesus, right? But it is not. Leave room for Jesus means don’t get too close while dancing. Well, this is a pure couple dance and nothing else! Further, it means not to use inappropriate gestures while dancing.
So it means not to be entirely up against each other or lean on another person while dancing. Also, it merely means that there should be enough space for a person to stand between the pair.
So, the time and the moment when the slow and mushy track gets played, the couples make up their mood. Though it is an enjoyable moment, so the pair should enjoy it, but should not lean on each other.
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Question 2. Been Arrested?
It is undeniable that none of us considers this activity as a good one. Meanwhile, this question means if you ever had an encounter with the police. Also, getting arrested leaves a negative mark on your personality.
Usually, a person gets arrested for doing any such kind of activity which is illegal and against the ethics and values. Therefore, if a person has ever got arrested or manacled by the sheriff, then it is not a sign of an attractive personality.
So, one should always try to avoid this kind of a situation.
Question 3. Used Tobacco?
Tobacco, a ubiquitous word, giving so many uncommon diseases in return. Also, nicotine nowadays is not as big rage as a weed or a drug, especially amongst the students of high school. Usually, most of the kids want to give it a try. Also, they want to have an experience of how using tobacco can be. And as a result of it, many of them end up using it.
Slowly and steadily as the youngsters give it a try, the develop a kind of addiction to it, which becomes very dangerous in the long run. Therefore, using tobacco may provide you with pleasure for a short term period, but will give you a lot and a lot of regret in your long run. Therefore, one should not make use of it.
Question 4. Used Marijuana?
As mentioned in the previous point, no drug should be tolerated because its consumption doesn’t show a positive mark. However, we cannot say that this has to be the principle of every person. To illustrate, a player can smoke a pot a night before is essential game or match.
Now because of this, he was a bit stressed. Also, this was because he was not in his senses. Now you might think that the consumption of this marijuana relaxed is nerves. Though it did, also forced him to oversleep because of which he eventually ended up missing his match.
Therefore this illustration clearly shows how marijuana can create a full stop in your career or even life for that matter.
Therefore, it is advised not to indulge in the consumption of marijuana or any other stuff of that sort.
Question 5. Been Sent To The Office of Principal?
Here, I would like to clarify that there are two reasons why you visit the principal’s office. First, when you did something extraordinary and are invited by the principal so that the principal can congratulate you. Second, when you indulged yourself in a naughty activity, then you are called by the principal.
So, if you visit the office because of the first reason, then it is highly appreciated. However, if the visit is because of the second reason, then it is not appreciable.
Therefore, as a result, you should not have any kind of behavioural issues and should not indulge yourself in any sort of commotion. Meanwhile, you should take care that there is no disciplinary action taken against you.
Question 6. Had the Police Questioned You?
Now, this is a bit confusing. Someone might feel that if the police questions you, then it is a minus point for your reputation. However, there is a way in which you’re questioned. For instance, if the police question you just for the sake of a witness, then there is nothing to worry about.
Because the cops only asked you some of the questions considering you as a witness. However, if you even had an encounter with the police for your deeds, then that is a negative point.
Question 7. Had A Pregnancy Scare?
Pregnancy scare is a kind of situation wherein; the girl does not wish to get pregnant. However, this usually happens when there is lack of sex knowledge.
Kids at a young age get distracted due to a lot of things and end up indulging themselves in inappropriate situations. Therefore, every person should have sex knowledge to overcome this situation. Also, no one should play a prank regarding pregnancy.
Question 8. Been on a Date?
Usually, the basic idea for a date should be straightforward, say, key and fun. Instead of keeping it fancy, it should be kept in an engaging and fun-loving manner. Due to this, one can know his date even better. Therefore, one should try to have a single time, which creates lots and lots of memories to provide you in the future.
Question 9. Been in a Relationship?
Usually, one should always try to have long term relationships. It is because, a short term relation shows or depicts that there is a lot of communication problem, trust or faith problems, or any other problem of that sort.
As a result, the relationship only depends on the kind of character you have and the kind of communication the couple has.
Question 10. Been Drunk?
Sometimes, you must have heard people saying that they do consume alcoholic drinks, but have never been drunk. And this would have inevitably driven your mind that how can a person not be drunk even after consuming alcohol? However, yes, it is true.
Been drunk depicts a situation where a person has no clue of what actions he is performing or what he is doing. He, at that moment, creates a mess and even becomes one. While on the other hand, consuming alcohol refers to a situation where a person just has a glass of wine or a beer or any other alcoholic beverage.
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Question 11. Played a Drinking Game?
Meanwhile, you must have seen people playing the game ‘Never have I ever’ where a person has to have a shot of alcohol if he/she has ever done the said activity. However, one should not go beyond a level as there should always be an alcohol tolerance.
So, this was all about the Rice Purity Test Questions Defined in Part 1. I hope you enjoyed it.